Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ranger’s Apprentice The Burning Bridge.
Author: John Flanagan.
Illustrator: Jeremy Reston.

I feel you need to read book one before reading this book.

This book was about: As the Kingdom of Araluen prepares for was against Morgarath, Will and Horace accompany the Ranger Gilan on a mission to Celtica. The only thing was Celtica’s village was silent. Only an exhausted and starving girl called Evanlyn can tell them why. Morgarath has sent his foul creatures to enslave the Celts. While Gilan rides swiftly back to Araluen to report this news to the King, Will, Horace and Evanlyn discover the true purpose behind Morgarath’s actions. The Kingdom is sure to be defeated in a surprise three-sided attack – unless they can find a way to prevent it.

My favourite character in this book was: Will is my favourite character in this book because he is the main character and he is the Ranger’s apprentice. He also makes it sound interesting.

I liked this book because: It was interesting and I couldn’t wait to get to the next chapter and when the book was finished you felt that you wanted to keep on reading it.

You should read this book because: It’s a great read and it’s the second book in the series. So enjoy the series as much as I am.

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