Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Warriors - the Series

Title: Warriors Series

Author: Erin Hunter

Published: 2004 -

Website: http://www.warriorcats.com/

The 'Warriors' series is about cats in clans who have a heirarchical social structure and their adventures amongst themselves. These books are written very well, are descriptive and keep your attention. The plot has been thought out well and there are good characters that people can relate to. My favourite characters are Greystripe, Ravenpaw and Jaypaw.

The downside of these books is that some of the characters don't have too thought out of a personality. The main characters have the repetitive "perfect leader" characteristic and the "bad guys" haven't had a realistic reason for doing what they do, although the characters who seem "perfect" have their uncertain moments and they do make their realistic mistakes.

The cats' orderly life and territories, and the quarrels and fights over borders make these books interesting. Overall, these are great books for 12 years and up. It is by far my favourite series.


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