Monday, March 2, 2009

Misery - Stephen King

Title - Misery
Author - Stephen KIng
Genre - Horror, Thriller
Year Written - 1987


Misery is about a writer, Paul Sheldon, and his unfortunate story. Paul has just finished what was supposed to be the last in a series of books, 'Misery', when he crashes his car and crushes both his legs. A lady (Annie) picks him up and takes him home with her, who just happens to be his number one fan. Annie keeps him under her watchful eye and forces him to write another book to add on to the series, just for her. But Annie is sadistic and does irrational and horrific things to Paul e.g. leaving him alone in her house for days with no food or water and gradually letting his painkillers wear off. He has to escape and in the end he does, although after a long and painful journey which drew him to the thin edge of insanity.


The aim of the book was to horrify and make the audience cringe - to drive it to the point that every time you walk into the dark you feel Annie watching you, waiting. But the actual story, for me, felt a bit pointless, although it does awaken a sense of how having and living with a severe mental illness can feel, because Annie without doubt had one. I bought this book purely to get a taste of Stephen King's style of writing, and from my point of view he's an amazing writer the way he brings the story together and the world he creates in your mind, in this case the way he portrayed the horrible helplessness of Paul and sheer power of Annie. Take away the macabre and the suspense though, and the story is left with nothing. I don't personally recommend this book.


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